Chemical bleaching teeth whitening is the moment people a major way, including dental veneers, dental coatings, porcelain teeth. But regardless of the choice of what kind of teeth whitening methods, consumers should choose their own teeth whitening methods, not to insist too much, in fact, the most beautiful natural healthy teeth.
Dental veneers: refers to a layer of worn enamel on the teeth, and then paste resin veneers or porcelain veneers. Compared with porcelain teeth, teeth small, but the dental supplies veneer when the need for etching the surface of the teeth, the teeth become very sensitive.
Teeth paint: paint is used to cover teeth whitening methods, modified teeth, tooth defects through the cover, to make cosmetic dental results. Teeth whitening tooth coating in accordance with the requirements of consumers can be, what consumers want white teeth, teeth with paint coating on what kind of white teeth, white teeth to control the degree, so as to achieve the purpose of whitening teeth. Porcelain teeth, denture, dental, orthodontics, teeth whitening, dental hospital
Porcelain teeth: for porcelain teeth, it has been no stranger to the teeth whitening porcelain is best to keep the longest way, because the whitening effect, and loved by Protect teeth whitening factor the people. Mainly for porcelain teeth, severe tetracycline, enamel hypoplasia, yellow die, teeth have cracks, defects, a case of serious potholes.
Teeth whitening methods boils down to two main categories, namely chemical bleaching and whitening cover. These are the experts tell you what is covered with white, which cover several ways, including whitening, teeth whitening you want to want to help consumers.
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