Popular with dental porcelain dental restoration in patients with defective welcome, but you know, not all ages are suitable for porcelain teeth.
Dental Center, currently with porcelain dental restoration technology continues to promote, do porcelain tooth has gradually become a fashion trend, because the price is relatively affordable dental porcelain, repair, was also very effective, so most people either star or wants to be porcelain teeth. Well, is not want it you can do? Porcelain teeth present age limit it?
Strictly speaking, as long as the technology to do excellent porcelain dentist, porcelain teeth is not much age limit, do they meet the conditions of porcelain teeth are porcelain dental restoration can be done. However, people suffering from oral diseases, especially root dental supplies in the "sick" people should be selective about porcelain teeth. In addition, minors under the age of 18, pregnant women, not suitable for porcelain teeth.
In making porcelain teeth will be required before the original teeth grinding, worn thin layer of very thin, because young people are not fully developed permanent teeth, wide canal, the pulp is easy to hurt. Too old persons, involving gingival recession, tooth mobility, body condition, psychological factors as well as serious coating, clenched so not suitable to do this, as the case may be.
Experts point out that porcelain teeth does not mean once and for all, usually must be carefully protected. As the raw material of reasons, most porcelain teeth limited force, once more than the intensity, it is easy to damage the teeth, and even affect its life. So, like gnawing on a bone or other hard objects to eat crab patients should be carefully considered. The porcelain teeth and abutment junction, but also easy to gather plaque to form calculus, should pay attention to cleanliness. Available floss between the Rapid tooth whitening tips teeth and regularly to the hospital for examination and ultrasonic scaler.
Experts advise: do porcelain teeth, be sure to carefully choose the regular professional dental hospital. Currently available technology, a number of small clinics usually reach the professional level, and no precision porcelain crown, and even may accumulate dirt, causing tooth decay all the organization, and with the crown off.
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