In general, the extraction does not produce lower lip numbness, but for the teeth of a particular location should be a different matter. What causes it?
Lower wisdom teeth impacted teeth at the end of the mandibular dentition, the latest eruption of human permanent teeth, human food is becoming increasingly sophisticated, making chewing jaw normal development of the necessary stimulation gradually decreased, resulting in jaw degradation, resulting in jaw length inconsistent with the dentition required length.
Therefore, when reach the lower wisdom teeth eruption age, its rightful place has been tooth eruption occupied the clinical objective caused by the eruption of the lower wisdom teeth blocked. The wisdom of such patients often most or all of the ambush the dental supplies next skull, which we call the low impaction of the lower wisdom teeth.
However, within the jaws of the deep surface of the tooth, just through one of the inferior alveolar nerve, the nerve is the dominant side of the mandibular teeth with the mucosa and to be skin sensory nerve. Very close to the location of the inferior alveolar nerve and the impacted lower wisdom teeth position, especially the lower wisdom teeth low bone completely ambush impacted almost the only layer between the nerve meager bony plates separated.
Clinically, the removal of such teeth than other teeth is much more difficult, you need to cut the coverage of dental caries, chiseled bone on the ambush teeth, sometimes ambush teeth split into a few pieces in order to pull out. Therefore, removal of lower wisdom teeth impacted teeth a long time, but also boneless split dental surgery is very likely to hurt adjacent to the inferior The introduction of the black teeth alveolar nerve, resulting in Postoperative lower lip numb.
Generally speaking, pure nerve damage, numbness of the lower lip of 1 to 3 months after taking conventional neurotrophic drugs can restore the individual patient recovery time may be extended to six months.
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