Tuesday, 17 July 2012

Children formed the reason of tooth decay

Many people know that if we can find the reasons of diseases can be very good for the cause of symptomatic treatment and prevention work, so for now living in multiple dental caries in children of this disease, but also that we can clearly understand the reasons leading to dental caries in children, the reason of following oral experts introduce children to the formation of tooth decay

Children to form cavities of reasons:

1. The role of oral bacteria. Streptococcus mutans and lactobacilli in the mouth, multiplies in the mouth residual food residues, fermentation and acid production, so that the teeth corrosion, softening, decalcification. Tooth after decalcification, then slowly to the formation of cavities.

2. Sugar is a necessary condition to produce dental caries. Sugars play a decisive role in the incidence of dental caries. Sucrose-containing foods can make the tooth surface plaque increased, and a large number of cariogenic Streptococcus increase.

3. Body resistance to dental caries had a significant effect. The resistance of the body including dental and dental supplies systemic anti-caries ability, the body's internal factors can affect the incidence of dental caries. In particular, the lack of protein, minerals and vitamins, contribute to dental caries.

4. Tooth shape, structure, location, oral hygiene, the amount and How the treatment of chronic pulpitis nature of the saliva, nutritional, endocrine, genetic factors system diseases, immune status, the occurrence and development of dental caries.

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