Friday, 24 August 2012

Older people do dental implants conditional restrictions?

The dental implant restoration effects are there for all to see, many patients choose dental implants to repair missing teeth. Many older people want to know that they Can do dental implants, dental implant what conditions the elderly do?

Dental experts said, in general, implants and there is no age limit, but not adult not suitable dental implant minors alveolar bone development in an unstable state, such a situation is not suitable for dental implants. However, the elderly can do dental implants abroad, 80-year-old had successfully planted the dentures cases. However, there are the elderly dental implant contraindications can not do dental implants. In addition, with respect to young people, the elderly due to the year-round wear dentures or dental supplies prolonged suffering from dental alveolar bone atrophy more serious, will give planting difficult.

The experts said: the elderly the bone relatively loose, alveolar bone atrophy of varying degrees. Dental implants need to root implanted in the alveolar bone alveolar bone cringe is not serious, or dental implants, severe alveolar bone atrophy is not recommended for implant surgery. Alveolar bone atrophy is not serious, and by grafting to achieve the desired amount of bone dental implant. General physical condition or Which porcelain teeth repair better suffering from a disease but good control of the elderly, can withstand the tooth can dental implant surgery, completed implant restoration.

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