Children between 6-9 years old, between the
teeth often appear gaps become sparser. This period the gap for a temporary the
physiological gap, the presence of the gap is very favorable for the upcoming
eruption of permanent teeth instead of shedding deciduous eruption, conducive
to the permanent teeth have adequate position neatly in tooth replacement to
complete and established a new occlusion, the gap is more than will disappear
naturally. If the permanent teeth sparse arrangement joints need to determine
reasons and because of the shape of the permanent teeth small, conical teeth or
too small teeth; another congenital missing teeth by orthodontic or the repair
method to close the gap.
Congenital missing teeth that the number of
teeth can be divided into individual edentulous, partially edentulous and full
mouth of missing teeth. Congenital missing teeth are more associated with
genetic, may also be the result of early embryonic affected by harmful
substances. Individual teeth, and the chewing function dentition morphology,
little aesthetic impact, you can not do processing; edentulous large number,
considering the repair of dentures, restore chewing function and appearance to dental supplies promote the collar bone, muscle and development of countenance, but
restorations With the growth and development of children must continue to be
Permanent tooth germ congenital missing
deciduous saved or unplugs it has become more cautious and difficult. Crowded
when the permanent teeth are arranged no inheritance permanent deciduous teeth
removal crowded permanent teeth to provide adequate space neat; deciduous teeth
may retain stranded when the permanent teeth sparse arrangement gap grams
enough to maintain a complete dental columns and chew functions.
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