Tuesday 4 September 2012

Secret implant restoration of the five steps

Planting of dental implants is simple and fast, especially for single root, the root of the patients without infection can be immediately planted. More and more to the United States who prefer to use the implant restoration, but also a lot of people want to know the dental implant treatment what is the process?

First. Preoperative examination and design: This is surgery Prelude, good preoperative examination of the patient in the dentist's consulting room, if you suffer from heart disease, blood disorders, diabetes, and other unfit for dental implants, as well as the 16-year-old juvenile its the gums not yet fully grown, it is inappropriate to do dental implant. If you are completely suitable for dental implants, repair after the doctor's examination and design, you need good oral hygiene, anti-inflammatory, and other matters.

Second. Implanted the growing nails: disinfection of the operating room, the doctor to the patient and the implementation of local anesthesia, cut edentulous parts of the gums, exposing the gums bone, specialized planting equipment and dental supplies, will be planted nail implanted, suture. Under normal circumstances, it will not affect patients' eating and daily activities.

Third. Bone healing: 2-6 months after planting nail implanted bone and gums heal, the patient can wear a temporary denture doctor prepared during this time.

Fourth. Abutment connection: When planting nail completely combined and jaw, and then cut the gums, a healing abutment in planting nailed connection, the soft tissue forming within two to three weeks, during which time the patient must maintain oral health, can not be inflammation.

Fifth. Fix: doctors replaced with a permanent base station when the soft tissue forming healing abutment began modulo impression, designed to What is the best method of teeth whitening repair teeth, and then sent to a laboratory to processing, such as crown or bridge a well, you can wear planting nail support new teeth.

Monday 3 September 2012

Why the child's teeth will be sparse?

Children between 6-9 years old, between the teeth often appear gaps become sparser. This period the gap for a temporary the physiological gap, the presence of the gap is very favorable for the upcoming eruption of permanent teeth instead of shedding deciduous eruption, conducive to the permanent teeth have adequate position neatly in tooth replacement to complete and established a new occlusion, the gap is more than will disappear naturally. If the permanent teeth sparse arrangement joints need to determine reasons and because of the shape of the permanent teeth small, conical teeth or too small teeth; another congenital missing teeth by orthodontic or the repair method to close the gap.

Congenital missing teeth that the number of teeth can be divided into individual edentulous, partially edentulous and full mouth of missing teeth. Congenital missing teeth are more associated with genetic, may also be the result of early embryonic affected by harmful substances. Individual teeth, and the chewing function dentition morphology, little aesthetic impact, you can not do processing; edentulous large number, considering the repair of dentures, restore chewing function and appearance to dental supplies promote the collar bone, muscle and development of countenance, but restorations With the growth and development of children must continue to be replaced.

Permanent tooth germ congenital missing deciduous saved or unplugs it has become more cautious and difficult. Crowded when the permanent teeth are arranged no inheritance permanent deciduous teeth removal crowded permanent teeth to provide adequate space neat; deciduous teeth may retain stranded when the permanent teeth sparse arrangement gap grams enough to maintain a complete dental columns and chew functions.

Wednesday 29 August 2012

How to protect dentures?

Protect dentures should note the following:

1. Do not bite the excellent food. Denture is a hard plastic products, the texture is more brittle, easily broken.

2. Attention to oral hygiene. The after dinner Remove dentures scrub once. If not after each meal scrub, at least at night before going to bed to seriously scrub, toothpaste, soap, washing available, but do not use alcohol or boiling hot bubble deformation that would make dentures.

3. Before sleep should be picked denture wash after soaking in cold water cup, both the denture no deformation, and dental supplies oral mucosa can get proper rest.

Wearing complete denture often speak, big mouth, chew food easily fall. Early dentures not suited to the tongue and two ribs muscle activity again with the bad easy denture slide. Wear after a period of time, the oral tissues and muscles around to get some training, most people can adapt. If the denture is still unstable for a long time, can not chew food, the doctor should promptly repair or There are several types of porcelain teeth redo.

Tuesday 28 August 2012

How to identify porcelain teeth is good or bad?

First, look at the edge of the porcelain teeth. The accuracy of the edge of the porcelain teeth is to identify porcelain teeth pros and cons of the most fundamental and important a criterion, but also a more problematic one place. Accuracy is reflected in the joints between the ceramic crowns and teeth, the gap is as small as possible, or bacteria easily into the lead inside the tooth caries, broken, resulting in the failure of the repair. The slit is located in the bottom of the gum, typically ignored by patients. This gap will accompany porcelain teeth for life; decided the fate of the natural teeth, this is also a test of the key technical level of doctors.

Second, look at the color of porcelain teeth. Porcelain crown soft color is not as white as possible. In order to cover the color of the metal within the crown, there must be a certain thickness of the ceramic layer. Clinical tooth preparation, porcelain teeth were chalky or dull, hypertrophic prone. However, the pursuit of the aesthetic effect, teeth grinding in addition to excessive and likely to cause tooth nerve exposed and broken at the same time to increase the possibility of. Stressed the need to master the precise tooth preparation techniques, both to ensure adequate porcelain thickness does not damage the tooth nerve.

In addition, look at the gums. Should not bleeding gum surgery, postoperative swelling, redness, discoloration. The gums often overlooked, most of the failure cases have gum problems. You can look at the do porcelain dental patients’ gums, redness, bleeding half success. The health of the gums is an important indicator of the success of porcelain teeth, every step of the production process does not have an effect in place of the gums. In the preparation of the tooth neck surgery, if you do not carefully protect gums often cause gums bleeding injury, so easy to dental supplies produce beautiful inlaid porcelain teeth after wearing red, swollen gums, bleeding, atrophy, affecting the front teeth, while not conducive to high-precision modulo.

Friday 24 August 2012

Older people do dental implants conditional restrictions?

The dental implant restoration effects are there for all to see, many patients choose dental implants to repair missing teeth. Many older people want to know that they Can do dental implants, dental implant what conditions the elderly do?

Dental experts said, in general, implants and there is no age limit, but not adult not suitable dental implant minors alveolar bone development in an unstable state, such a situation is not suitable for dental implants. However, the elderly can do dental implants abroad, 80-year-old had successfully planted the dentures cases. However, there are the elderly dental implant contraindications can not do dental implants. In addition, with respect to young people, the elderly due to the year-round wear dentures or dental supplies prolonged suffering from dental alveolar bone atrophy more serious, will give planting difficult.

The experts said: the elderly the bone relatively loose, alveolar bone atrophy of varying degrees. Dental implants need to root implanted in the alveolar bone alveolar bone cringe is not serious, or dental implants, severe alveolar bone atrophy is not recommended for implant surgery. Alveolar bone atrophy is not serious, and by grafting to achieve the desired amount of bone dental implant. General physical condition or Which porcelain teeth repair better suffering from a disease but good control of the elderly, can withstand the tooth can dental implant surgery, completed implant restoration.

Wednesday 22 August 2012

Dental implant best period

A lot of people doing things to pay attention to a well placed indeed there will be some truth to do things the best period to see how to grasp. The dental implant is relatively good period to do dental implant. Dental implant is the best period? Dental experts, dental implant surgery has a close relationship with a number of factors. The patient's age, state of mind and so forth will have some impact dental implant effect.

First preoperative inspection and preoperative treatment, such as unplug the particularly loose teeth, and root filling teeth, treatment of periodontal disease is to remove bad dentures, fine-tuning and correcting bad dental supplies occlusion. This stage the time required depending on each treatment situation varies.

Followed by entering the planting the surgery stage: When your doctor based on the design preoperative surgery implant bone, less postoperative reaction. Time to implant an Porcelain fused to metal fixed bridge implant of approximately 10-30 minutes.

The last four to six months after surgery, replacement or installation of long-lasting crowns or dentures. Lasting crowns porcelain materials. Its fine texture, vivid color, comfortable and beautiful, restores function, durable.

Tuesday 21 August 2012

The main steps of the tooth root canal treatment

Can be said is that we are very concerned about the problem, the following details to explain in detail the main steps of the tooth root canal treatment.

Tooth root canal therapy usually consists of three basic steps: preparation of the root canal, root canal disinfection and root canal filling.
The process of the tooth root canal therapy doctor with a tooth root canal treatment dedicated equipment through to complete removal of the infected pulp and infected dentin and toxic decomposition product of tight tapenade root canal, isolated from the bacteria into the root canal re-infection and prevent root the periapical lesions occur or to promote the healing of periapical disease.

In the process of dental root canal treatment, doctors often require teeth before the tooth root canal therapy, surgery and post-operative X-ray film, to help diagnose and understand the number and morphology of the location of the pulp chamber and root canal measuring root the length of the pipe work and the basis for future follow-up and evaluation of the efficacy of contrast.

Tooth root canal therapy is not a complete treatment; doctors are often based on clinical examination, step-by-step graded treatment, and general, dental root canal treatment in 2-4 visits to complete. Tooth root canal therapy is more complicated, and especially the posterior teeth is in the oral location as well as the number of root canal and more and more complex forms, the doctor must be familiar with the structure of the tooth anatomy knowledge and proficiency in technology, while necessary for supporting teeth root canal treatment instruments and equipment and materials, and thus, the posterior teeth root canal therapy is more time-consuming and dental supplies relatively high cost of these.

Tooth root canal treatment during or after completion, short-term discomfort, usually taking anti-inflammatory painkillers can relieve local swelling and pain should be informed of the medical treatment, dental treatment brittle best line sets crowns to prevent tooth fracture, extending the life of the teeth.