Tuesday, 10 January 2012

Knowledge of infectious steatites rabbit

Rabbit salivation infectious disease commonly known as steatites is caused by the infectious steatites virus in rabbits with acute infectious diseases. Blisters in inflammation of oral mucosa, and salivation is associated with a large number of features. As the disease have a higher morbidity and mortality, so the rabbit industry pose a serious threat.

1. Popular features and causes salivation and steatites according to clinical manifestations of psychosis, usually you can make the disease diagnosed. Popular features: there are only rabbit susceptibility, more common in 1-3 months so rabbits, rabbits made ​​less dental supplies frequent. More than through the digestive tract infections, often occur in spring and autumn. Feeding properly, fed rotten feed, forage, etc. can be induced oral injury factors.

2. Clinical symptoms and pathological changes and the diagnosis of main symptoms: early disease rabbit oral mucosa showed flushing, redness, and then in the lips, tongue and oral mucosa of a layer of small white nodules and small blisters soon rupture, the formation of bad spots and ulcers , while a large number of foul-smelling liquid flow; severe oral mucosal injury, illness rabbit body temperature to rise to 40-41 , often complicated by indigestion, decreased appetite, or waste must have mostly diarrhea, wasting, weakness, and more by 5-10 on death. Necropsy lesions: sick rabbit body weight loss, tongue, lips and oral mucosa inflammation, the formation of erosions and ulcers, salivary Youth Orthodontics gland swelling redness, often accumulate large amounts of viscous liquid gastric, intestinal mucosa often catarrhal inflammation, based on the comprehensive analysis can be confirmed. The disease should feed on fungal contamination, chemical irritants and toxic plants to distinguish due to steatites.

3. Prevention: In the spring and autumn, to feed the fresh feed, feed, forage not barbed, not too hard to soft.

Treatment: more use of symptomatic therapy. To sulfadiazine (SD) or sulfamethazine (SM2) 0.2g virus Spirit 0.2g, vitamin B1 and vitamin B2 of the 5mg, add water, drop the entrance, twice a day. Once the disease, should be immediately isolated, giving a soft forage, and cages, utensils, etc. must be disinfected.

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