The development of periodontal disease is a chronic process, patients often no obvious early symptoms or discomfort, developed to a certain extent, there may be bleeding gums, swollen gums, gums overflow pus, bad breath and other symptoms.
When the inflammation continues, the surrounding alveolar bone surrounding the teeth will be absorbed and there loosening teeth, tooth gap widened, if untreated, could eventually lead to tooth loss, epidemiological survey, suffering from periodontal disease extraction accounted for dental supplies about 40% of the total extraction, thus affecting the patient's face appearance, pronunciation, chewing food, more seriously, periodontal infection can also serve as the local lesions caused by other parts of the body's important organs illness, such as acute or sub acute infective endocarditic, gastrointestinal disease, arthritis, iris go far and periodontal diseases are associated.
Therefore, periodontal disease is not a trivial minor illness, it's general health and our solidarity.
However, periodontal disease is not always continuous, but alternating quiescent and exacerbation of its main symptoms such as bleeding gums and will not continue to Understanding of oral structure exist, and this often resulted in the early stage of periodontal disease in most patients appear symptoms do not pay sufficient attention to delayed treatment.
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