Tetracycline is in the stage of tooth development taking tetracycline-induced enamel hyperplasia, showing a brown, taupe. The experts said that tetracycline not only affects the face, but also affect a person's mental health.
Cause of tetracycline: tetracycline teeth coloring sometimes combined enamel hyperplasia. Program of tetracycline on teeth coloring and enamel hyperplasia, with the following factors: the color of the tetracycline family of drugs, such as: diethyl-chlortetracycline was dental supplies copper yellow, oxytetracycline and lemon yellow. Degradation appears before the color of tetracycline, tetracycline sensitive to light can change color under ultraviolet light or exposure. Tetracycline in the dentin and the extent of the deep loneliness of leaving the dentin coloring due to the binding site is different, ribbon more close to the enamel dentine sector, the easier to color. Related to the structure of the enamel itself is colored dentin significantly exposed to severe enamel hyperplasia, enamel completely lost. Early taking tetracycline can cause tooth coloring and enamel hyperplasia in the 6-7 years How to identify oral cancer and precancerous lesions after delivery, usually no longer cause tooth coloring.
Tetracycline from the chemical point of view harmful to humans, tetracycline make teeth coloring, seriously affect the appearance, in turn may result in patients with self-closing psychological. Thus tetracycline hazards or big, early diagnosis and treatment.
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