Tooth sensitivity means the teeth are cold, hot, sour, sweet and mechanical effects (friction, biting hard objects) stimulation, sudden pain feel, or flash or short-term continued to stimulate the removal of the sense of this pain will disappear. Medical dental check-ups are also available probe found a tooth on the sensitive point.
Mainly to stimulate pain when brushing your teeth, eating hard objects, sour, sweet, cold, heat and other stimuli cause pain, especially the most sensitive to mechanical stimulation, the most reliable diagnostic method is to use a sharp probe in the tooth surface slide, and you can find one or more allergic District. Clinically, usually by the head of the patient's feeling.
Dentine exposure resulting from tooth sensitivity. Dentine exposure of dental diseases: dental caries wear wedge-shaped defects, acid disorder, cracked tooth or dental supplies tooth fractures. Gingival recession, the exposure of the Ministry of leaving the root and tooth hypersensitivity.
The teeth have been mechanical stimulation, such as biting hard objects when limp, pain and discomfort. If the removal of these stimuli, discomfort immediately disappeared, the tooth does not have pain.
Dentin is exposed, the increased sensitivity of nerve endings, sometimes feel extremely sensitive teeth and discomfort. Neurosis, chronic insomnia, as well as the Tooth extraction - Dental Supplies menstrual period or pregnancy women, may sometimes appear above phenomenon.
Increased due to certain systemic diseases such as: neurosis, chronic insomnia, menstrual period, pregnancy, systemic stress, the increased sensitivity of nerve endings, even if the dentin is not exposed, will feel the full mouth extreme sensitive to discomfort.
Tooth sensitivity make it difficult subject, the patient must find clear cause, and then targeted treatment.
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