Pulpitis symptoms vary according to the different nature of pulpitis. Pulpitis is penetrated at the center of the tooth pulp inflammation caused by bacteria or toxins. Spontaneous, paroxysmal pain, the main disease. Clinical often divided into multiple pulpitis, Irreducible pulpitis, pulp degeneration and necrotic pulp. The use of treatment methods to remove the pulp. The vast majority of periapical lesions, especially inflammation, are secondary to endodontics. Periapical lesions, may also affect the dental pulp.
Pulpitis symptoms: pulpitis commonly known as the dental neuralgia. Manifested as severe intolerable pain, pain in the nature of the following characteristics: spontaneous pain, paroxysmal intensification of intermittent seizures, severe pain in the teeth occur without any outside stimulus, the time of the early onset of pain longer duration of remission with the progression of the dental supplies disease, late onset of pain for a long time, shorter duration of remission, and even the last remission; night pain is heavier than during the day, especially more pronounced when supine; early cold, heat stimulation can be causing the pain worsened late cold stimuli not only did not stimulate the pain, but pain temporary relief, it is common clinical patients mouth with cold water or suction of air-conditioning to alleviate the pain.
Means pulpitis symptoms of acute pulpitis late (purulent period); Furthermore, the pain cannot be located, often along the trigeminal nerve distribution to the ipsilateral mandibular teeth and adjacent parts of the radiation, the patient often cannot be pointed out that Paste in the accurate location. Gingivitis and periodontal disease of the first signs of the main cause Nobel dental implant system of adult tooth loss, it is necessary for early prevention. The study found that the calculus is the main reason leading to gingivitis, a lack of vitamin c, bioflavonoid, calcium, folic acid can lead to gum prone to infection. Serious bacterial infection can cause abscesses and bleeding gums, bad breath.
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