Whenever teeth in early pulpitis by cold, heat stimulation when they have obvious pain, but not very serious, the shorter the duration of each pain, stimulate the removal of the pain to disappear soon. If the pulp lesions continue to develop, the symptoms can be significantly increased, the teeth began to appear spontaneous pain, sudden temperature changes or touch pressure to stimulate the pain can induce a long time. Toothache in the nocturnal frequent or persistent pain than during the day dramatic increased supine, sit up after eased. Pain often can not distinguish Paste in the specific location, often a sense of ipsilateral large teeth or even hemi head pain, in the of pulpitis early case of cold water stimulation can lead to or aggravate the pain, but by late purulent pulp mouth with cold water can relieve pain, inflammation or pulp gangrene.
The treatment of pulpitis
The pulpitis emergency treatment the best way to drainage and decompression of the purposes of opening the chamber. Analgesic drugs commonly used oral painkillers painkiller tablets of 0.5 g / toothache 2 / Rotundine. Toothache water or camphophenic small cotton ball placed inside the cavity. Chinese medicine with pepper, Asarum, Piper dials analgesic effect, into powder into the dental supplies cavity within. Acupuncture pain, acupuncture bilateral Hoku or ipsilateral safe hole (at the midpoint of the tragus and mouth connection), can also be made good analgesic effect.
Pulpitis of self-recuperation
Usually pay attention to oral hygiene, keep their teeth clean, and timely treatment of dental diseases, such as dental caries, wedge-shaped defects, cracked, etc. Illness into soft or semi-liquid food, to avoid the cold and overheating thermal stimulation, eat sweet and sour. Eye drops to warm as well.
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